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国家: 美国 类型: 品牌



  MilkMakeup 化妆品牌是专门为那些喜欢设计、艺术、音乐,甚至有点小庞克的酷女孩打造的必备化妆单品,随时随地补妆或是变换妆容,Milk希望强调自己的彩妆系列与大众美妆的不同之处,加之Milk本身的气质来塑造一个很酷的美妆品牌,吸引有个性的女孩。xqq一点就转


  Milk Studios 的创意总监 Georgie Greville 说,“这并不是关于你如何画一条完美的眼线,更多的是一种生活态度,和你与生俱来的魅力,这种 Milk 女孩,在纽约我几乎天天都见。”目前从极简单的包装设计来看,好像在极力避免“变娘”这件事,除了看不到可爱、性感的元素,还有设计成马克笔形状的口红大麻纤维制成的吸油纸。并且,选用的模特也不像彩妆广告里的那样完美无瑕,你会看到高矮胖瘦、不同肤色、各式发型的姑娘,长雀斑、有牙套、戴鼻环……化妆的方式也千奇百怪,有的追求裸妆妆效、有的非得哪里出点彩,比如蓝色腮红、双眼皮用眼线笔描出来……当然还有会化妆的男孩子出镜,总之,好像就没有很在意完美的“美”这种事。xqq一点就转

  At Milk Makeup, we believe in good ingredients + epic payoff. We’re cruelty-free, paraben-free, and 100% vegan.xqq一点就转

  We were born at Milk, a creative studio in downtown New York City.xqq一点就转

  Our community and culture have always been our inspiration.xqq一点就转

  We see personal style and experimentation as the ultimate forms of self-expression. It’s not just about how you create your look; it’s what you do in it that matters.xqq一点就转


  Milk Makeup was founded by Milk cofounder Mazdack Rassi, product developer and COO Dianna Ruth, seasoned Milk Girl and creative director Georgie Greville, and beauty + fashion editor and E! News correspondent Zanna Roberts Rassi. All aspects of the line are developed in-house at Milk Studios, our downtown NYC home.xqq一点就转
