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来自美国明尼苏达州的插画师菲尔·琼斯分享了一组无关于被回绝的插画作品,由于他试图将本人的作品正在美国出名的杂志投稿,可是老是被回绝,因而就创作了一个名为“favorite rejects”的名目,固然不投稿乐成,可是正在收集上却盛行,超越45万人次阅读,为他点赞。

come on ,just a little smile.it's for my food blog


And you're sure this was the last place you bad it?

And you're sure this was the last place you bad it?

Fredrick waits for the push that will never conme.

Fredrick waits for the push that will never conme.

What's the new wifi password?

What's the new wifi password?

Yeah,that;s right.Pick up my shit.

Yeah,that;s right.Pick up my shit.

I can't help but think something's holding me back from really living my life.

I can't help but think something's holding me back from really living my life.

How the hell are we supposed to compete with that?

How the hell are we supposed to compete with that?

Can you scoot down a bit?These sneakers smell like shit.

Can you scoot down a bit?These sneakers smell like shit.
