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ViKi:正在线多言语视频聚合网是新加坡的一个出名的视频网站,Viki视频网能够看做是交际收集以及电子内容散布收集的混淆体,名字来自“video”以及“wiki”的组合,向多个国度供给付费电视剧、片子、音乐视频。它号称“美国之外的 Hulu”。FWj一点就转


ViKi视频网以类 Wiki 的众包体式格局翻译字幕,其社区的字幕翻译者已经达上百万,言语品种到达 160 多种。到今朝为止该社区曾经翻译了 4 亿个单词,有近 20 亿个视频。Viki 以前统共融资近 2500 万美圆,投资方包含了 Andereessen Horowitz、Greylock Partners、Omidyar Network、Charles River Ventures 以及 Neoteny Labs。FWj一点就转

日本线上电商巨子Rakuten预备收买线上视频网站Viki,Viki 的红利形式根本以及优良视频供给网站Hulu类似,经过布置视频流的内置告白,收益与内容供给商分红。不外有了日本乐天购物网的参加一定年夜年夜的供给收益。FWj一点就转

Viki, a play on the words video and wiki, is a global TV site powered by a volunteer co妹妹unity of avid fans. Launched in December 2010, Viki now has tens of millions of users every month watching and sharing TV shows, movies, music videos and other premium content from around the world, translated into more than 160 languages.FWj一点就转

With over 2 billion video streams and more than 400 million words translated to date, Viki uniquely brings global prime-time entertainment to new audiences and unlocks new markets and revenue opportunities for content owners; thousands of hours of video from content providers like NBC, BBC, KBS, SBS, TV Tokyo and many others.FWj一点就转
