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  生命之树网络项目(Tree of Life web Project或ToL)是一个互联网项目,提供有关地球生物多样性和种系发生的信息。这个协作同行评审项目始于1995年,由世界各地的生物学家撰写。该网站2011年以后再未更新,但页面仍可访问。GfN一点就转




  The Tree of Life Web Project is a collection of information about biodiversity compiled collaboratively byhundreds of expert and amateur contributors. Its goal is to contain a page with pictures, text, and other information for every species and for each group of organisms, living or extinct. Connections between Tree of Life web pages follow phylogenetic branching patterns between groups of organisms, so visitors can browse the hierarchy of life and learn about phylogeny and evolution as well as the characteristics of individual groups.GfN一点就转
