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  world. With over 10,000 unique photo galleries and over 500,000 photos, theCHIVE.com is The World’s Largest Photo Entertainment Website. Started in November 2008 by brothers John and Leo Resig, theCHIVE started with 2 visits per day and has grown to entertain an average of 750,000 visitors per day and churns out over 15 million visits per month 85 million monthly pageviews.rzL一点就转

  Where do the photos come from? You, the Chivers. In addition to user submits, John, Leo, Bob, and Mac surf the world wide web -literally. They visit websites in Russia, Japan, China, Hungary, Spain, Germany -the list goes on, to discover the best of the best and bring it to the U.S. If a legit funny photo is snapped somewhere in the world right now, it will make its way to theCHIVE’s homepage before your morning coffee. theCHIVE is the foremost authority and source of all viral photos on the internet.rzL一点就转
